Here are their email passwords dumped from their databases. They left their pop3 server WIDE OPEN, too!
MD5 is insecure, so you shouldn't have trouble cracking them but I was too lazy haha =P
l8r n00bz!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This listis entirely fictional andis part of a Capture the Flag educational challenge.
All information contained within is invented solely for this purpose anddoesnot correspond to any real persons or organizations.
Any similarities to actual people or entities is purely coincidental and occurred accidentally.
use auxiliary/scanner/pop3/pop3_login set rhost (因为中间有事情出门了所以回来重新开的机器) set user_file /home/butt3rf1y/usernames.txt set pass_file /home/butt3rf1y/passwords.txt run
Return-Path: <stone@fowsniff> X-Original-To: seina@fowsniff Delivered-To: seina@fowsniff Received: by fowsniff (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 0FA3916A; Tue, 13 Mar 2018 14:51:07 -0400 (EDT) To: baksteen@fowsniff, mauer@fowsniff, mursten@fowsniff, mustikka@fowsniff, parede@fowsniff, sciana@fowsniff, seina@fowsniff, tegel@fowsniff Subject: URGENT! Security EVENT! Message-Id: <20180313185107.0FA3916A@fowsniff> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 201814:51:07-0400 (EDT) From: stone@fowsniff (stone)
Dear All,
A few days ago, a malicious actor was able to gain entry to our internal email systems. The attacker was able to exploit incorrectly filtered escape characters within our SQL database to access our login credentials. Both the SQL and authentication system used legacy methods that had not been updated in some time.
We have been instructed to perform a complete internal system overhaul. While the main systems are "in the shop," we have moved to this isolated, temporary server that has minimal functionality.
This server is capable of sending and receiving emails, but only locally. That means you can only send emails to other users, not to the world wide web. You can, however, access this system via the SSH protocol.
The temporary password for SSH is "S1ck3nBluff+secureshell"
You MUST change this password as soon as possible, and you will do so under my guidance. I saw the leak the attacker posted online, and I must say that your passwords were not very secure.
Come see me in my office at your earliest convenience and we'll set it up.
Return-Path: <baksteen@fowsniff> X-Original-To: seina@fowsniff Delivered-To: seina@fowsniff Received:by fowsniff (Postfix, from userid 1004) id 101CA1AC2; Tue, 13 Mar 201814:54:05 -0400 (EDT) To: seina@fowsniff Subject: You missed out! Message-Id: <20180313185405.101CA1AC2@fowsniff> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 201814:54:05 -0400 (EDT) From: baksteen@fowsniff
You should have seen the brass lay into AJ today! We are going to be talking about this one for a looooong time hahaha. Who knew the regional manager had been in the navy? She was swearing like a sailor!
I don't know what kind of pneumonia or something you brought back with you from your camping trip, but I think I'm coming down with it myself. How long have you been gone - a week? Next time you're going to get sick and miss the managerial blowout of the century, at least keep it to yourself!
I'm going to head home early and eat some chicken soup. I think I just got an email from Stone, too, but it's probably just some "Let me explain the tone of my meeting with management" face-saving mail. I'll read it when I get back.
Feel better,
PS: Make sure you change your email password. AJ had been telling us todo that right before Captain Profanity showed up.
综合来看,我们在第一封邮件里面发现了一句 “The temporary password for SSH is “S1ck3nBluff+secureshell“”,一个临时密码